Monday, March 22, 2010

Weird weekend..

This weekend was an odd one with many random events happening. Thursday night I was blamed for smoking weed in my dorm by a fat, short, overzealous cop whom thought he could intimidate me by swearing at flash: saying "bad words" does not scare me, and I lose all respect for any adult who tries to do such a thing to me. Especially when I tower over you. Anyways...

Friday was an eventful day. Ray and I were supposed to hang that night and she stopped texting for about 2o minutes and then responded by telling me she had just found out 2 of her friends had just been killed in a car crash back home. She eventually asked me if I would take a drive with her, and of course I agreed to. We drove around for about an hour or so....and the first half hour was all silence minus a very somber and quiet acoustic mix cd she had in the car. We eventually pulled into this spot we had gone to a few months ago that is out in the middle of nowhere and quiet, and she went to her backseat and I followed, and she just broke down. What do you say in a situation like that? I literally could not think of anything to say that would matter at all, so I just held her and listened. We eventually went to go hang with other people to distract her, and it semi-worked I guess. She would choke up when it was only her and I in the room, and I would go comfort her until it became occupied again. We left around 2:30 that night, and she had been sleeping for about an hour, and once back in the car, started to tear up again. So I took her hand and we held hands for the first time in so long...New Years Eve if I remember correctly. It felt....well it felt awesome. Like how it should be. We got to my house to drop me off and we got out of the car and she hugged me for so long and so tight. It was hard letting her go when shes in that state.

Saturday was a good day. We hung out all day basically. She was a lot better, or at least she hid it well. She had a few moments, but that was it.

I've never been this close to a girl. Hell, maybe a person. I've never felt this way about someone. Its exciting and terrifying at the same time.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Today, I found out a girl I used to LOVE until she crushed my spirit last summer still talks about me to this day. Though it seems to be all bad talk, I take solace and pride in the fact that I'm still on her mind. Theres barely a difference between Hate and Love >=) Victory=Richie

Sunday, March 14, 2010


Today, I went to Wheelings "Good Zoo" with Ray and her little brother whom is in town. I haven't been there in years upon years, and apparently I was too young to realize how truly shitty it is. It takes literally 15 minutes to walk through the whole thing, and you see nothing of interest, especially if you live in West Virginia, seeing as all these animals are in your backyard.

UGH. Tonight I have to go back back to school....disgusting. This spring break was pretty nice though, the weather was such a tease for summer. 60-65 and sunny every day...perfect. I literally felt happier everyday walking in the sun.

I have nothing really of interest to write about right now. I'll stop.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Hello March

Where the hell did February and January go?! I can't believe it's already March...though I do not mind I guess, seeing as it just means we're getting closer to WARM weather and not this below freezing, blizzard BS we've had all winter. Umm whats new whats new....

-Had my midterm exams the last 2 weeks. School is kinda kicking my ass. Thank god I'm on Spring Break.

-I saw Alkaline Trio last night....AWESOME! Got to talk to Matt Skiba and the guys for a second. They put on a fuckin kickass show. After I see Angels And Airwaves this April I will have seen my three favorite ACTIVE bands.

-Me and Ray have gotten closer than ever before. I came to terms with the fact that I am head over heels in love with the girl and that won't change. I become attached too fast and I'm also way to stubborn to give in sooooo thats where I stand! hahaha. But umm...I have a feeling its mutual...I'll discuss later

Time to sleep!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

L ) V E

Ive been waiting months for this new Angels And Airwaves record to come out, and HOLY FUCK!! it is awesome! I got a Modlife on Thursday so I could be one of the first to get it on Friday, where I listened to it in a dark room with my brother and my friends, and I was blown away by how good it was. I have listened to it I do not know how many times since Friday night, but it is easily in my top 5 favorite albums ever. Thomas Delonge...genious. Anything the guys from Blink release is genious. Which makes me incredibly anxious to hear the new Blink record, whenever they decide to release it!

In other news....
It will not stop snowing here. We already have a good 16+ inches maybe. It just keeps on coming. I ask mother nature now to PLEASE cease with the snow, bring on spring, and more importantly, SUMMER!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Happy Blink Day!

A year ago today, Blink-182, my FAVORITE band in the history of music, announced to the world on the Grammy's that they were reuniting again. One of the greatest moments of my life so far! I know to some people that sounds really dull and pathetic....I say fuck you to those people [kidding...kind of =)...] , because Blink is SO much more than music to me. Tom, Mark, and Travis are so incredibly relateable, I feel that I could be best friends with all of them. Not to mention their music is fucking awesome. I saw them in concert during the reunion tour and it was probably the greatest day of my life. Watching them back together again on stage, hearing them play the songs I've grown up with for so long, was the most memorable time of my life. I have 256 Blink songs on my ipod, which include various demos, live versions, etc., and they NEVER get old. I guess that is how you gage how much you like a band.
So here's to an awesome year it has been, an awesome year it will be, an awesome 6th record, and hopefully an awesome finish to an already brilliant career. Heres to you Blink-182

Monday, February 1, 2010

Long time, No see

It has been a LONG time since I've posted on this blog. I don't know why...I'm not that busy. I guess I just don't have the time on the weekends like I do at school, but nothing happens during the time I'm at school that's of any interest to anybody. Anyways my life the last 2 weeks...

Me and Rachel decided that things are never going to be serious seeing as she is leaving in 4 months. At first I was really, really bummed. For obvious reasons. Word of NOT let yourself get close with someone who is staying somewhere temporarily unless you are prepared to face the fact that it will not last. The part that bothers me the most is that we aren't even going to get to try to see if it would work. What would be the point if it was going to HAVE to end at some point? And not by means that we can control. Maybe we would have been awesome together, maybe it would have been a disaster....I'll never know now. And that is truly a powerless feeling.

Anyways enough of the personal feelings bullshit. I had a revelation this weekend. I LOVE alcohol. We had a party at Rays since her dad was gone for the weekend, and it was honestly the funnest I have had in SO long. I hadn't drank in quite a while and therefore I forgot how much I love it. With this in mind, I plan to become an alcoholic in the near future. Good idea? Who cares, I'll be drunk.